VIP | Online ID Purchase Form

You’ve been invited to save time at check in! Setup your IDs in advance of your stay and they will be ready at check-in!

Please be aware that Land & Recreation (L&R) at the Coronado Shores has just recently doubled their prices for I.D. Cards. L&R represents the Shores community and is a separate entity from our company. 

Sample Photo for ID

Please use appropriate images for the “File Upload” – we recommend a PASSPORT style photo for best results. CLICK HERE to see a Larger sample ID.

  1. You may NOT submit a picture of your Driver’s License or Passport
  2. Your I.D. picture must be fully cropped so that you are the ONLY person in the image
  3. Your I.D. picture MUST be well-lit and non-blurry

Please remember:

  • No hats
  • No sunglasses
  • Good lighting
  • Head-on
  • Full-face
  • Solid background
  • Take photo indoors

Accepted file formats: jpg, gif and png, max file size per image is 2MB. *

*Please note that uploading photos directly from an iPhone (HEIC files) are not supported by our system.

© Copyright - The Coronado Shores Company Inc. - Licensed Real Estate Brokerage, in the State of California, Department of Real Estate Lic. #00658736